Target the Right Audience at the Right Time through Segmented Mailing Lists

Target the Right Audience at the Right Time through Segmented Mailing Lists

Target the Right Audience at the Right Time through Segmented Mailing Lists

Email marketing is considered one of the most effective and affordable marketing techniques to mass communicate your brand message. It enables you to promote your real estate business and listings, stay in regular contact with your clients and drive repeat traffic to your website.

When implemented correctly, email marketing can rival more modern techniques of advertising such as, Facebook Ads and Google Display Ads. In fact, when these new marketing techniques emerged, many experts predicted that it would replace email as a marketing platform. Lets just say this is far from the current reality. Fast-forward 46 years after the first email was sent, it remains a powerful tool for acquiring new clients and statistics show that it is 40% more effective than Facebook and Twitter.

Unfortunately, many companies have not reaped the full rewards of the platform, and as a result, find themselves sending countless of emails each month with very limited responses from prospective clients.

How to make email marketing work for your real estate company

Considering that only 30% of companies are capitalising on the full potential of the platform, chances are, your real estate company needs to improve its email marketing efforts.

The most important component needed to succeed on the platform is to create highly personalised emails that target the correct audience. Although this seems like a loaded sentence, the concept is quite simple.

In-order to target the correct audience you will first need to segment (or divide) your various email lists into highly specific groups such as buyers, tenants, landlords, sellers and investors, and then again by their property requirements and geographic location.

To segment your email list effectively you will need to build a high-quality database of prospective clients. This is facilitated through a property website’s management system which will allow you to create databases automatically or manually. Manually segmented mailing lists can be created by exporting from various systems and can include entries of clients who've been physically captured from various sources such as marketing efforts; telephonic inquiries and show-house registers. 

Although there are various reasons and ways to manually segment your mailing lists, here are two ways the Prop Data system does it automatically:

Property Email Alerts: Those signing up for property email alerts will be placed in a highly personalised email list that corresponds with the property type they are most interested in, their required price range, and their preferred area or suburb. These lists are ultimately segmented according to a buyer’s or tenant’s exact property needs and they will receive email alerts each time a new property is listed that matches their requirements.

Branch-Specific Email Newsletters: If a client signs up for a branch-specific newsletter, they will be placed in an email list that is geographically specific to their property needs. They will receive comprehensive information, once a month, about their branch of interest including featured and new listings, and property news and advice articles.

These highly personalised lists need to be kept up-to-date regularly to ensure that it contains active email addresses of those interested in your correspondence. The Prop Data Management System helps you to maintain these lists by making it easy to discard spam email addresses, enables you to seamlessly add a subscriber and edit their contact details, and offers you flexibility to change a subscriber’s branch-related newsletter to another area if they request to do so.

Not only is email marketing defying all predictions that labeled it as dying medium, it is also more effective than most forms of modern marketing. When segmented correctly, your email marketing campaigns can became more effective and help you connect to new clients, improve your brand image and generate high-quality leads.