Talk the Talk in 2018 – Part 2

Talk the Talk in 2018 – Part 2
bee hive
bee hive

Talk the Talk in 2018 – Part 2

Don’t let the swarm of technical terms intimidate you. Take the sting out of linguistics and dominate the world of internet marketing by learning these buzzwords. 

  • Clickbait: Refers to online content designed with a main objective to draw attention from visitors and entice them to click on a link that leads to a specific web page. Clickbait is typically executed by displaying just enough information to spike the audience’s interest but not enough to satisfy it.
  • Click Through Rate (CTR): A click through rate is a metric that calculates the amount of clicks that advertisers obtain on their impressions. This can be calculated by taking the number of clicks your real estate ad receives and dividing it by the number of times your ad is shown. For example; if you had 25 clicks and 1000 impressions, your CTR would be 0.25%. A high CTR is a good indication that your ads are helpful and relevant to users.
  • Conversion / Conversion Rate: Conversion refers to an action that is counted by clicking a text ad or viewing a video ad followed by taking action such as making a direct online enquiry. Conversion rates are the average number of conversions per ad expressed as a percentage, calculated by taking the number of conversions and dividing it by the number of clicks.
  • Earned Media: Earned media refers to a second party that distributes your content at no cost to you. For example, a follower may share your featured property listing and reach prospective buyers amongst their social circle without receiving remuneration from your real estate company.
  • Engagement: Engagement is the act of communicating with people who interact with you and your brand on social networks by answering questions, participating in chats or resolving queries.
  • Following / Follower: A following collectively describes the social media users who choose to subscribe to your social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs so that they can see all of your updates and posts; somebody who does this is referred to as a follower.
  • Growth Hacking: Growth hacking refers to both conventional and unconventional marketing tactics that can lead to the growth of your real estate agency. Growth hackers are marketers, engineers and product managers who concentrate on building and engaging the user base of your real estate agency online by often utilising low-cost alternatives like social media advertising.
  • Hashtag: The hashtag is a keyword/phrase preceded by a hash symbol (#) that is used to track and identify posts relative to it, mainly on social media. This allows you to categorise what you post on social media. For example; if your post has to do with freehold titles you could add #FreeholdTitles to your post – hashtags make it easier for users to find, follow and interact with certain posts they may be interested in.
  • Influencer: An influencer is a social media user who is able to reach a significant audience and drive awareness about a trend, topic, company, or product.
  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI): KPIs vary depending on what your exact goals or objectives are. For example, if your goal is to increase traffic on your real estate website, your key performance indicator would be the number of unique visitors your website gets and how often they return to it.
  • Programmatic Advertising: Programmatic advertising is a marketing method that delivers ads to users based on their past online activity. For example, if a user has been searching for places to list their property, your “list your property with us” ad would appear on their newsfeed when they scroll through Facebook.
  • Snackable Content: “Bite-sized” content that is easy for users to consume due to decreasing attention spans. Digital snackable content works best when geared towards the mobile consumer who craves something easily accessible, understandable and engaging. You can effectively target their needs by creating content that easily digestible.
  • Trending: Trending refers to specific topics that are being widely discussed on social media at a given time. A trending topic is something that spurs a hot conversation within the general public. These topics are often accompanied by a relevant hashtag for those following the trend.
  • Viral: When content has reached viral status, it means that the post, photo or video has been shared or viewed by a large number of people in a very short frame of time.

Buzzwords are often used in an attempt to impress rather than inform, so don’t find yourself wide-eyed if you come across new jargon in the industry’s vocabulary. Keep yourself up to date as new terms will definitely come forth sooner or later, or simply get in touch with us if you’d like to know more. If you haven’t already done so, have a look at our first post on this series and get the complete rundown of how to talk the talk in 2018.