Make Sure Your Business Profile Is Effective And On Target

Make Sure Your Business Profile Is Effective And On Target
client meeting around a table
client meeting around a table

Make Sure Your Business Profile Is Effective And On Target

It is one of the most frequently visited pages on your website. The first place prospective clients go to find out more about your services. And is one of the most important pages on your website. You guessed it. We are talking about your Company Profile.

With most prospective clients turning to the internet for real estate information, their first impression of your business is your online bio. This information is intended to offer an insight into your experience, ethics and personality. It is also a great opportunity to introduce yourself to website visitors and more importantly convince them that you are the real estate agent or agency that they should be working with. You will find some form of ‘About Us’ on most real estate websites, but if these pages are not personalised and directed at its intended audience it might be missing the boat. 

So how do you ensure that your company profile is effective and on target?

Think About Your Audience

First things first, who is visiting your real estate website? Odds are that these people are prospective clients considering using your services. They want to determine if you are credible, trustworthy and if you tick all the boxes for their property service requirements. In short think about the questions, they would seek answers to and then answer them. 

Answer the Questions Before They Ask

Although prospects visit your company profile to find out more about your business don’t make it all about you. Every part of your company profile should emphasise and highlight the benefits to the client. Buyers and sellers want to know that their requirements are being met and that their concerns are being heard. So answer their questions before they even ask them.

Think about your day-to-day dealings with clients, what type of queries do they have? By drawing from your real life experience with clients and answering these types of questions in your profile, prospective clients more likely consider you to be the property professional they want to work with.

Here are some questions to consider answering in your company profile 

How long have you been a real estate agent for?

By answering this question you are not only letting your audience know about your experience but also your service. Because the real estate business is commissioned based, it would be hard for an agent or agency to last in this industry by providing bad service. 

What Services will you offer, how will you help?

Every client will have different needs. If they are first time home buyers or experienced investors – they will want to know that you will be able to cater to their unique requirements. They want to know that if an issue arises that you will be able to take care of it.

What are your credentials? 

Prospects want to ensure that they work with a trained and qualified property professional. Be transparent with your audience and include this information in your company profile to build more trust.

Please provide a reference?

Nothing builds credibility as much as references or testimonials from past clients. By including testimonials your audience will be more likely to trust you more.

Other questions that you should answer in your company profile include: 

  • How do you market properties?
  • What is your success rate?
  • What area do you specialise in?
  • What separates you from the competition?
  • Why should I hire you?

Because you only have one chance to make a first impression you have to carefully construct your company profile, by answering questions that potential clients may be asking – making your company profile effective and converting more visitors into leads, and leads into active clients. If you need a customised company profile for your real estate website, we are ready to help. Contact us today for more information.