Hyper-Personalisation Of Real Estate Email Marketing

Hyper-Personalisation Of Real Estate Email Marketing

Hyper-Personalisation Of Real Estate Email Marketing

The dominant consensus among marketing experts is that the personalisation of email marketing campaigns is one of the most effective ways to promote your brand. Email personalisation is the process of tailoring each email to suit each clients’ preferences or interests. One-to-one marketing, as it is sometimes called, is effective in enhancing customer service as it serves to meet your clients’ needs more effectively and efficiently, thus promoting faster interaction. This in turn, increases customer satisfaction, resulting in repeat visits to your website. 

For your real estate company your personalised email should encompass your client’s property interests in terms of: Commercial, retail or residential, their suitable price range, and area preference and size suitability. The following are steps to integrate personalised emails into your real estate company’s marketing campaign.

Personalise your greeting and deliver a concise message

Firstly, you need to capture your client’s attention by personalising a greeting and this is achieved by referring to them on a first name basis. Any message that does not contain their unique name is guaranteed to get discarded along with the countless other emails they receive on a daily basis.

The key here is to establish a one-on-one relationship that leaves your client open to reading your email to eventually engage with it. Once you’ve won over your client’s attention, it is time to maintain this by explaining what your email is about - this needs to be done timeously, comprehensively and informatively. If your email is too long they will lose interest immediately and it will likely be trashed.

Personality counts

Your personalised email needs to contain your real estate company logo, to avoid looking like a faceless organisation. In fact, this is one of the most important aspects of your personalised email marketing campaign - If your client feels like the message is being delivered from a random corporation they will not engage with it.

The hyper-personalisation era

The latest observation made by email technology companies is that brands seek to speak to their clients in real-time. This process is known as double personalisation and it aims to send out the most relevant emails at all times. Double personalisation resulted from companies realising that no matter how current an email was, it could be irrelevant a few hours later. In practice, this consists of the email subject header and the preview pane remaining permanent, with changes happening as your client opens the email. This will allow the very latest information to be displayed as soon as the email is opened - which is dependent on your client’s behavior on your real estate website.

As part of this new era of personalisation, which has been dubbed as “hyper-personalisation”, the context of date and time has become imperative when sending out emails. Many companies are now opting to adapt to this by adopting a night-themed imagery if a client is opening an email in the evening, or a sunny morning picture if they are opening it in the morning. 

Real-time emails: The way forward

“Hyper-personalisation” has been proven to achieve noticeable results as the real-time aspect of it has opened up new opportunities. It reacts to a client’s online behavior and delivers the most suitable content to them instead of just inundating them with old news.

A lucrative environment now exists in the mobile platform to use real-time marketing by capturing the attention of clients on the go especially if their activity on your website shows that they are displaying buying signals. To effectively capitalise on this, it is important to analyse available data to uncover insights on individual client interests and requirements. This means that email personalisation is trying to understand exactly what the data means. By doing this, your real-estate company can detect what is motivating individual client decisions to enable an effective personalisation strategy.

With the current advancements taking place in email marketing, Prop Data is finding new ways to adapt and thrive. To enhance your personalised email campaigns we have developed tools such as: Property Email Alerts and Automated Email Newsletters. The Property Email Alerts allow your clients to register their property requirements on your real estate website, this enables them to automatically receive email alerts every time a new property is listed that match their exact requirements. These requirements can include property type, preferred location and price range. By alerting your clients with properties and content that are tailored for them, we are promoting personalisation and ensuring that all their needs are effectively catered for.

Our Automated Email Newsletters serve to keep you in regular monthly contact with your clients by promoting featured property and publishing property news and advice articles. It is important to note that the content in our newsletters are customised to your clients’ interest. Each newsletter is branch specific and relates to the current news within that area. Your clients can choose a branch they are most interested in and receive a branch specific newsletter every month. In this way, email personalisation is achieved as they receive newsletters that correspond with their interest.